Fred Hewitt is 70 !!

Fred Hewitt is 70, all at Mossley CRT would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday, Fred started Mossley CRT and has gone on to help and inspire numerous cyclists and families. We are all truly grateful for your selfless determination and passion. Thank you for looking after us, you are the grandfather of our team, taking us all on board regardless of ability, age with limitless warmth.

We decided we couldn’t let the occasion go without being marked, Jun, suggested a club ride around his favourite part of the world, the stunning, tranquil, scenic Cheshire planes, with a stop at the Snowdrop cafe. Jade, Crumble and Karl also came to meet us for birthday cake and birthday songs.

From the bottom of our hearts Fred, we wish you all the best, have a wonderful day, week and year. You are like a fine wine to us all, getting better with age. Lots of love, All the Mossley CRT members. (too many to name) xxxx


Milena - Special Olympics World Games athlete.


Hill Climb Season - complete